
We LOVE to see new members. See below – ‘What to do?’

What do you need?

  • An ordinary singing voice. You don’t need to be a Pavarotti or a Maria Callas to sing in a choir (their voices would stick out too much!) A voice that blends well with others is all you want.
  • The ability to hold a tune.
  • Monday nights free. We rehearse in St Tiernan’s Community School, Balally (about 1km south of Dundrum Town Centre) from 7:30pm to 10pm on Monday nights from September to the end of May (usually moving to Tuesday nights on bank holidays).
  • The desire to sing a broad variety of good music well (ranging from Bach to the Beatles, through Beethoven, Berlioz, Bernstein….).

What don’t you need?

  • The ability to read music. While it is of course an advantage if you can, many of our present members don’t. In the members’ area of our website, we provide learning tracks for most of the material that we sing  so that you can learn your part at home during the week and not have to spend Monday nights listening to everyone else learning their parts!
  • A voice like Pavarotti or Callas (see above), or any particular vocal training. The Musical Director gives all the guidance the choir needs during rehearsals.

What to do?

If you’re interested, come along to one of the Monday night rehearsals and introduce yourself. Talk to the conductor on the night: he’ll arrange a short audition so that he can check your voice range and ability to hold a tune. It’s very short and painless!

N.B. Whatever your SatNav says, approach St Tiernan’s through Park Vale estate (off the Sandyford Road). Approaching from the other side leaves you with a long walk across fields!